July 2024

Sadly, dom has had to step down due to personal commitments elsewhere in the U.K. In his place we welcome alan turner on guitar. alan has much experience of playing in trad bands and is ‘dropping in’ nicely… ;-)

March 2024

St patrick's day coming up so a busy weekend for us. We will be playing three times over 16th-17th march, both gigs and sessions. see our events page for details of our long gig. we are having an extra edition of our monthly pub session at the foresters arms, castle street colchester from 7.00pm pm on sunday 17th. slainte!

january 2024

if you trace the prehistory of erin's grove far enough back, you get to ian's discovery of the bothy band in around 1981. they were his first benchmark for great irish traditional music, only saddened by the fact that he never saw them live (they split in 1979). That is….until now. in december, the bothies announced that they were reforming to play their first gigs in 45 years. hence, Ian and sara are gearing up to head to belfast next month to Pay homage :-)  what's more, as part of belfast tradfest, there will also be a concert by master-piper mick o'brien and fiddler Caoimhin O Raghallaigh and workshops with some of ireland's top players. not to mention endless sessions. the anticipation is already growing…

December 2023

we're looking forward to taking the new line-up out on the town this weekend, 16th december, when we play coda music bar, high street colchester. on stage at around 4.30.

OCTober 2023

We are pleased to introduce our new band members linda darrington and dominic jones. both are vocalists and we are looking forward to developing our songs in the coming months. Linda also plays the bodhran and dom plays the guitar. oUR FIRST OUTING WITH THE NEW LINE-UP WILL BE AT CODA MUSIC BAR IN COLCHESTER HIGH STREET ON SATURDAY 16TH DECEMBER FROM 3PM.

September 2023

over the summer, sadly Jon left the band owing to other commitments. in the meantime, we have been joined by linda (vocals) and dom (vocals and guitar). We are now working as a five-piece and aim to be gigging again shortly. more news about the new line-up soon.